Keep on top of aphids!

Keep on top of aphids!

Check plants regularly to stop an infestation of pests The bugbear for most summer gardeners is aphids. Be it general green or blackfly or specific species such as woolly aphids, they aren’t just annoying but can also be dangerous to plants. They’re...
5 Tips on comfortable outdoor entertaining

5 Tips on comfortable outdoor entertaining

Hosting guests can be a big feat, so anything you can do to make the process easier for yourself is essential. LoBello recommends creating the dining space in close proximity to the barbecue or an entrance into the house so as to save time running between the table...

Shasta daisies

Shasta daisies may seem like an Edwardian period-piece, but recent years has seen this stout perennial come back into favour once again, with a slew of new forms among the array of classic varieties. The original hybrid was introduced by visionary American plant...
Herbaceous clematis flowers

Herbaceous clematis flowers

These creeping plants will give a new dimension to your borders It might seem a contradiction to have a clematis that doesn’t twine. In fact, there are quite a few that don’t, but that doesn’t make them any less effective garden plants. Many are...